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Publisher name:Waddingtons GamesPicture of 'Crib-Box'
Status:Out of print
Article number:302
No. of players:1-8
Age:10 years and up
Comment:based on Cribbage
Box text:Cribbox is a two dimensional method of playing cribbage in which twenty-five cards are arranged in a five by five array and scores are made in rows, columns and diagonals of the array. The method of scoring is identical to that used in cribbage and if this is understood then you can go straigth on to play Cribbox in any of its forms without difficulty. If you do not know the rules of cribbage scoring then you should first see the section which outlines the rules and shows how they should be applied.
Contents:1 Spielplan, 2 Stapel Patience-Karten, Spielblöcke und Anleitung (englisch).
Last modified:28.05.08

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